Posts Tagged ‘books’

The last book I read was “Equal Rites” by Terry Pratchett.

Actually I finished it today, at lunch. Just in time too. My new book arrived from Amazon today. Yay!

Tina and I actually read a lot. Well, I read a lot, she reads A LOT.  I mean A LOT A LOT

…loads, in abundance, a copiousness amount, gobs, in excess, a great quantity, a mess, heaps, superabundantly, oodles, in profusion, scads, tons…

The number of books she has on her Kindle boggles my mind. And she still gets actual books. Can’t read the Kindle in a bubble bath you know. She can read two or three books at the same time. I forget what I’m reading daily. I often find myself reading the same paragraph over again because I was distracted by something shiny. I suppose she’s just smarter than I am.

Guess I’ll go read my new book.

Or at least the first paragraph or two of it,you know, until I get distracted. It’s a form of ADD. Some folks just….


